Innovative Solutions for the Geoscientist by Integrating Geological & Geophysical Expertise

Our unique technology – DIG DEEP – predicts rock properties away from well control guided by rock physics

Our generic rock-physics based tools for subsurface characterization can be applied throughout the lifetime of fields, from frontier exploration and appraisal, to resource mapping and production monitoring (4D) in mature fields.

The approach can also be applied for CO2 monitoring, mapping shallow geohazard, analyzing geothermal aquifers, and other studies that require subsurface insight.


GeoExpro #4 2023

Did you know that rocks have memory?

Åsmund Drottning, Per Avseth and Tore N. Hansen; Dig Science Norway

82nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2020 8-11 December 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

A New Integrated Workflow to Generate AVO Feasibility Maps for Prospect De-Risking

P. Avseth1*, I. Lehocki1, K. Angard1, T. Hansen1, E. Shelavina2, S. Schjelderup2 1 Dig Science; 2 Spirit Energy


Exploration workflow for real-time modelling of rock property and AVO
feasibilities in areas with complex burial history — a Barents Sea demonstration

Per Avseth1*, Ivan Lehocki1, Laurent Feuilleaubois2, Tore Nordtømme Hansen1, Kristian Angard1 and Cyrille Reiser2 1 Dig Science | 2 PGS

Geophysical Prospecting, September 2020

From cradle to grave: how burial history controls
the rock-physics properties of quartzose sandstones

Ivan Lehocki1,2∗ and Per Avseth2,3 1Lehocki GeoSpace, Oslo, Norway, 2Dig Science, Oslo, Norway,
and 3Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Geophysical Prospecting, May 2020

Data-driven rock physics analysis of North Sea tertiary reservoir sands

Per Avseth1,2∗, Ivan Lehocki3, Øyvind Kjøsnes4 and Odd Sandstad4 1Dig Science, Oslo, Norway, 2Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 3Lehocki GeoSpace, Oslo, Norway, and 4AkerBP, Trondheim, Norway

Front. Earth Sci., 15 March 2021

3D Subsurface Modeling of Multi-Scenario Rock Property and AVO Feasibility Cubes — An Integrated Workflow

Per Avseth1 and Ivan lehocki2; 1Dig Science, Oslo, Norway 2Lehocki GeoSpace, Oslo, Norway

About us

The DIG team was founded in February 2018 by a hardcore exploration team with average industry and tech experience of 20+ years. The team consists of experts within rock physics, AVO analysis, quantitative seismic inversion, reservoir prediction, petroleum system analysis, seismic interpretation, data science and software development – all important elements for creating exploration value.

With our long exploration history within oil companies in combination with R&D experience from academia and seismic service industry, we develop and implement new and innovative solutions on how to optimize what we do best

– get the most value out of the seismic and well data

– find oil and gas

We aim to create sustainable exploration value and efficiency by combining our in-depth knowledge with the advances of new technology.

The Team

The team has extensive exploration experience and is available for special studies and consultancy work.

Give us a problem, and we will solve it!

Tore N. HansenCEO and Co-founder

Tore N. Hansen
CEO and Co-founder

Science: Geoscientist (Cand. Scient., University of Tromsø) Experience: Exploration, Seismic Interpretation

Dr. Åsmund DrottningCOO

Dr. Åsmund Drottning

Science: Geophysicist (Dr. Scient., University of Bergen) Experience: Rock Physics, AVO Analysis, Quantitative Seismic Interpretation, Seismic Modelling, Seismic Survey Evaluation and Design

Dr. Per AvsethCTO and Co-founder

Dr. Per Avseth
CTO and Co-founder

Science: Geophysicist (PhD, Stanford University) Experience: Rock Physics, AVO Analysis, Quantitative Seismic Interpretation, Sedimentology Honours: SEG Honorary Lecturer in Europe (2009), Norwegian Geophysical Award (2012)

Ivan LehockiLead Data Scientist and Co-founder

Ivan Lehocki
Lead Data Scientist and Co-founder

Science: Geophysicist (MSc, Eötvös Lorand University) Experience: Rock Physics, AVO Analysis, AVO Inversion, Software Development (Matlab) Honours: Young Petroleum Geoscientist Award (2015)

Kristian AngardLead Petroleum System Analyst and Co-founder

Kristian Angard
Lead Petroleum System Analyst and Co-founder

Science: Geologist (Cand. Scient., University of Oslo) Experience: Petroleum Systems, Exploration, Seismic Interpretation

Dr. Erling JensenLead Software Architect

Dr. Erling Jensen
Lead Software Architect

Science: Rock Physicist (PhD, University of Bergen) Experience: Rock Physics, Reservoir Geophysics, Software Development (Matlab)


Our CTO Dr. Per Avseth has been appointed Honorary Professor at ITERA, Indonesia

We want to congratulate our co-founder and CTO Dr. Per Avseth with the appointment to Honorary Professor at Institut Teknologi…

Dr. Åsmund Drottning joins Dig Science as Chief Operating Officer

We welcome Åsmund Drottning to our company, assuming the role of Chief Operating Officer.

Dr. Erling Jensen joins Dig Science as Lead Software Architect

We welcome @Erling Jensen to our company, assuming the role of Lead Software Architect.

Dig Technology AS
Frøyas gate 13
0273 Oslo